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Article 1:
The name of the Association is “Natural Gas Appliances Industrialists and Businessmen Association”. The association will be abbreviated as “DOSIDER”. No Branch
Article 2:
The purpose of the Association, which will operate in the field of natural gas appliances, is to bring together members of institutions and organizations producing or importing natural gas appliances in order to:

  • Ensure cooperation, solidarity, and assistance among its members and within the natural gas sector and resolve common problems,
  • Ensure the completion and improvement of standards and application rules regarding natural gas systems,
  • Take necessary measures to ensure that users receive quality service and materials in compliance with standards and are not exploited in these matters,
  • Lead the establishment of a “GAS ASSOCIATION” by bringing together all relevant public and private organizations in the sector and represent the association together with sufficient members.

Article 3:
The headquarters of the Association is located in Istanbul and will operate within the boundaries of the Metropolitan Municipality.
Article 4:
The Association may conduct studies in the following subjects and areas to achieve its purpose:

4.1. It provides information and guidance on all matters related to natural gas to the public and consumers and attempts to prevent misleading news and guidance.

4.2. It identifies sectoral problems, strives to address them, and seeks solutions. It informs the public.

4.3. It engages with organizations and associations from which it can benefit from their work, expresses opinions, and conducts joint activities.

4.4. The emblem of the association is accepted by the decision of the board of directors, and necessary procedures are carried out with the relevant administrative authority. The emblem is used where deemed necessary by the board of directors of the association. It conducts scientific and guiding studies in order to ensure the provision of products, installation of facilities, service quality, and sufficient service without compromising occupational safety.

4.5. It informs and endeavors to ensure the implementation of existing standards, rules, and specifications related to standards in the sector and the public. It attempts to solve the problems that arise in these matters.

4.6. It monitors, evaluates, and announces the association’s views and recommendations to the relevant authorities regarding laws, decrees, specifications, regulations, notifications, development plans, and programs that will ensure the development of the sector, both domestically and internationally.

4.7. It attempts to resolve disputes among members on commercial and other matters as a conciliator and through arbitration.

4.8. With the necessary notifications, it may receive material and cash aid from abroad. It may become a member of international organizations to follow and convey foreign science and technology to its members, send representatives, or invite these organization members to Turkey. It informs relevant institutions and its members about international technical developments.

4.9. It announces, enlightens, warns, establishes commissions, organizes events, and strives to achieve its purpose through any kind of publication, seminar, meeting, conference, exhibition, press, radio, TV channel. It organizes domestic and international trips to improve the knowledge and experience of members.

4.10. By making decisions in the Board of Directors, it publishes statements or similar writings.

4.11. In accordance with Article 22 of the Association Law, it can buy, lease, and lease real estate and any movable property necessary for its purpose and activities, and can lease real estate in its ownership. In case of the purchase of real estate with a general assembly resolution, it shall notify the Ministry of Interior in writing within one month from the registration of the purchase at the Land Registry. It can place any rights on these real properties and have any construction made. It can sell real estate transferred to the association by donation, bequest, or acquisition.

4.12. It can receive and give donations and aids in accordance with the legislation and the provisions of these main regulations on fundraising.

4.13. It can carry out any other necessary work related to its objectives and services.

4.14. The Board of Directors is authorized to award or give gifts to legal entities or individuals who contribute to the realization of the objectives specified in the articles of association of the Natural Gas Appliances Industrialists and Businessmen Association. The type and manner of the award or gift are determined by the Board of Directors.

4.15. It can establish an economic enterprise that does not aim to share profits to achieve its purpose.

4.16. It monitors the agenda with similar professional organizations in the world and our country and distributes information to its members in visual, printed, etc. environments.

4.17. It acts as a reference institution in creating technologies where a common language will be spoken in the sector.

4.18. It can create an archive in accordance with the objectives and service areas of the association. It can open a website.

4.19. It can open representations to carry out its activities. Representatives are not represented in branch or general assembly meetings. The address of the representation is notified in writing to the local administrative authority by the person or persons appointed as representatives by the decision of the board of directors of the association.

4.20. It can create a platform with its own members or foundation, union, and similar civil society organizations with a common purpose in areas not prohibited by laws, both domestically and internationally, and with the decision of its authorized bodies.

4.21. It can borrow for the purpose of realizing its objectives, provided that it is approved by the general assembly.

4.22. It can participate in international activities or cooperation, open representation or branches abroad, establish associations or umbrella organizations abroad to achieve its purpose, provided that it is related to its objectives.

Article 5:
The Association has three types of membership:

a) Voting founding member,

b) Voting member,

c) Honorary member.

Article 6:

6.1. Natural and legal persons who produce or import one or more of the products and devices such as central heating boiler, combi boiler, water heater, boiler, burner, radiant heater, oven, cooker, stove, gas safety devices, gas fittings, gas meters, panel radiators, which operate with natural gas and are registered with the Chambers of Commerce and Industry and have legal capacity can become members of the association.

  • Members must reside in Turkey and not be subject to any continuous or periodic deprivation or restriction of rights prohibited by the relevant articles of the Associations Law.
  • Non-Turkish citizens must have the right of residence in Turkey to be admitted as members of the association. The residence requirement does not apply to honorary membership.

6.2. In the case of membership as a legal entity, the chairman of the board of directors of the company or the person designated with representation will vote. When the term of office or representation of the person who will vote on behalf of the legal entity ends, the person who will vote on behalf of the company must be redefined and notified to the Association by the relevant company.
6.3. To become a member, it is necessary for companies (producing and importing) to have qualified and widespread service organizations and sufficient spare parts stock and supply in accordance with the rules defined in the internal regulations in the fields of installation and after-sales service.

Article 7:
The following rules and methods are applied for admission to membership in the association.

7.1. Filling out the membership application and candidate application form,

7.2. Presentation of documents proving membership conditions determined by the Board of Directors in accordance with these regulations,

7.3. Subsequently, obtaining the necessary acceptance decision from the Membership Examination and Acceptance Commission in accordance with the internal regulations determined,

7.4. The positive decision of the Board of Directors (coming from the commission) on the application, form, documents, and intelligence information with a 2/3 majority vote,

7.5. The applicant completes the entry requirements and gains membership status by paying the entry and annual dues. The Board of Directors of the Association is obliged to make a decision on the membership applications within thirty days at the latest and inform the applicant in writing of the result of the application (in the form of acceptance or rejection).

7.6. Those who contribute to the development of the natural gas industry with their professional, educational, public officials, and press activities are accepted as honorary members by the decision of the Board of Directors. Honorary members cannot vote and pay dues. They may contribute financially and morally if they wish. Honorary membership ends by their own request or by a decision of the General Assembly.

Article 8:
Membership termination;

a) Death,

b) Request for separation from membership,

c) Loss of the right to become a member of associations,

d) In the case of individual memberships, when individuals leave the company they are affiliated with, even if they remain in the sector, or in the case of legal entity memberships, when the company loses the conditions for membership, the memberships end. Each member is considered to have left the membership by notifying the Board of Directors in writing of the request for separation. In case of determination of any of the above-mentioned situations that lead to the loss of the right to become a member of associations, the membership record is deleted by the Board of Directors of the association. Except for those who lose the right to become a member for legal reasons, the membership dues of those who leave by request end at the end of the half accounting period in which the request for separation is made, and the payments for that period are fully collected from them. In the case of members who lose the right to become a member for legal reasons and are forced to leave, only the membership dues up to the date of determination of the event constituting the reason are collected.

Article 9:
Membership removal is done for the following reasons;

a) Acting contrary to the bylaws of the association,

b) Not paying membership fees and other debts despite the notice period of (30) thirty days for the association secretary or treasurer or association president,

c) Being absent from association activities, meetings, not performing or being unable to perform the tasks assigned, avoiding taking tasks, not attending general meetings without excuse, showing indifference to the survival and objectives of the association, acting contrary to the objectives and principles of the association and working methods, behaviors, actions,

d) Losing the right to become a member of the association,

e) Not complying with General Assembly and Board of Directors decisions despite warnings.

f) Those whose association memberships end for not participating in the Sector Inventories organized during the year and/or not submitting and providing the necessary information and documents to the association despite warnings.

Article 10:
The authorized and competent organs of the association are as follows;

a) General Assembly,

b) Board of Directors,

c) Audit Committee,

d) Honorary Board,

e) Promotion and Marketing Committee,

f) Technical Committee,


a) It is convened every two years in February with the participation of primary members upon the call of the Board of Directors.

b) In addition to this;

  • When deemed necessary by the Board of Directors,
  • Upon written request of the Audit Committee or one-fifth (1/5) of the association members,
  • At the call of the Board of Directors within one month,
  • If this call is not made, it is convened as extraordinary by the call of a three-person delegation appointed by the local peace judge from among the association members.

The right to attend the General Assembly is granted to all primary members who have paid their debts to the association. These primary members entitled to attend have the right to:

  • Equal voting,
  • Election,
  • Except for those specified in the law, they have the right to be elected. The Board of Directors prepares a list of primary members entitled to attend the General Assembly. At least 15 days before the General Assembly meeting, the date, time, place, and agenda of the meeting and, if a second meeting is held due to the failure to achieve a quorum at this meeting, are announced in a newspaper or in writing or by e-mail. The period between two meeting dates cannot be less than seven days or more than sixty days.

Article 13: General Assembly meetings are held on the day, time, and place notified to the members, within the administrative boundaries where the association headquarters is located. Members entitled to attend the General Assembly enter the meeting by signing next to their names on the list prepared by the Board of Directors. A report is drawn up to determine whether the quorum for the meeting (majority) is provided, which is half of the members entitled to attend the meeting in the first meeting and not less than twice the total number of members of the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee in the second meeting, and is signed jointly by the President and the Secretary. After the opening, a “Chairman of the General Assembly”, a “Secretary” who will prepare the minutes of the meeting and sign it together with the chairman, and a “Vice Chairman” who will assist the chairman are elected as the “Presidency of the General Assembly”. At the end of the meeting, all minutes and documents are submitted to the Board of Directors.
Article 14: Each primary member entitled to attend the meeting has one voting right. The member must personally use their vote.

Article 15: In order to abide by the special provisions regarding decision-making quorums for the dissolution of the association and the amendment of the bylaws and to separately consider and decide on decision-making quorums according to the agenda items:

  • For the election of members of the Board of Directors, secret voting is applied, and for other matters, secret or open voting is applied depending on the decision to be taken by the General Assembly.
  • The quorum for decision-making is the majority of the members present at the meeting.

Article 16: Only the items on the agenda are discussed at the General Assembly meeting. However, if requested by at least one-tenth (1/10) of the members entitled to attend the meeting, the subjects to be discussed by the members present at the meeting must be put on the agenda. The items on the agenda are discussed in order of priority, and if the required majority, constituting the quorum, is obtained, they are discussed sequentially.
Article 17: The General Assembly is the most authoritative decision-making body of the association, and its duties and powers are as follows:

  • To make decisions in line with the objectives, working subjects, and principles of the association in accordance with the legislation, regulations, and official procedures; to elect association organs,
  • To discuss and decide on the issues brought to the agenda and requested to be discussed by at least one-tenth of the members present at the meeting,
  • To elect the members of the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee, and to approve or amend their work program and budget,
  • To review and decide on the reports of the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee,
  • To authorize the Board of Directors to buy or sell immovable properties for the residence and activities of the association,
  • To determine the amount of annual dues to be collected from members, decide to increase or decrease,
  • To dissolve the association; to determine the principles of liquidation of assets, money, rights,
  • To amend the association bylaws,
  • To perform other duties stipulated by the legislation and this bylaw that are to be performed by the General Assembly,
  • To decide on the proposals submitted by the Board of Directors regarding the participation of the association in international activities, participation in foreign organizations, or cooperation with them,
  • To examine and decide on the objections to the decisions of the Board of Directors regarding the expulsion from membership,
  • To make decisions regarding the borrowing or non-borrowing of the association,
  • To decide whether or not to join or leave a federation in line with its objectives,
  • To elect delegates to represent the association in the federation if it becomes a member,

Article 18.1: The Board of Directors consists of 10 (Ten) principal members and 5 (Five) substitute members elected by secret ballot among the members of the General Assembly for 2 years.
The Board of Directors elects a President, a Vice President, and a Treasurer among themselves in the first session. The Board of Directors makes a division of duties by appointing a General Secretary from among the Board members, Committee Presidents, or by appointing from outside the Board of Directors.

Decisions of the Board of Directors are made by a majority vote. In case of a tie, the decision of the side where the President is present is accepted.

Article 18.2: The duties and powers of the Board of Directors are as follows:

  • To fulfill the objectives and working subjects of the association, and implement General Assembly decisions,
  • To make decisions on the recommendations of the Audit Committee and the members of the Board of Directors,
  • To refer members to the Honorary Board if necessary, and to inform the relevant parties about the decisions of the Honorary Board,
  • To evaluate and act on the decisions of the Honorary Board regarding members who do not meet the qualifications and conditions or deviate from the objectives,
  • To examine the association membership candidates, decide on their acceptance or rejection,
  • To represent the association or authorize one or more of its members for this purpose,
  • To prepare the work program and budget for the upcoming working period,
  • To conduct financial transactions related to income and expenses of the association,
  • To prepare the work report for the working period along with the balance sheet and income-expense table,
  • To authorize the acquisition and termination of employment of personnel to carry out administrative and financial affairs of the association, supervise them, and terminate their employment,
  • To establish working and management committees deemed appropriate, appoint members to these committees, prepare new projects to assist them in their work and services in the assigned areas, and discuss and organize social events from time to time to promote closeness and friendship among members, which may be attended by the guests of the members,
  • To inform the auditors about the regular and extraordinary meetings to be held and ensure that they submit their reports on time,
  • To announce the decisions taken at the General Assembly and all other administrative transactions to the members and relevant authorities,
  • At the beginning of the working period, to take over and deliver the management and financial documents, transactions, and assets of the association with a detailed report, and to fully hand over them to the new Board of Directors at the end of the working period,
  • To take initiatives at official and private institutions to protect the rights of members in matters related to the working subjects of the members,
  • To inform members about decisions to be taken by official and private institutions concerning matters related to them,
  • To carry out other tasks assigned by the association bylaws and legislation and use their powers.

Article 19.1:
The election of Honor Committee members consists of three principal and two alternate members elected by secret ballot by the General Assembly for a period of 2 years, with the highest number of votes, and in case of equality of votes, drawing lots is resorted to. The Honor Committee, at its first meeting, elects a Chairman among themselves and divides the duties. The Honor Committee convenes upon the proposal of the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors, or upon the necessity seen by the Chairman of the Board of Directors or the Honor Committee.

Article 19.2: The duties and powers of the Honor Committee are specified below:

a) By working on thoughts, methods, and rules that include professional development, progress, love, respect, and friendship among members in our sector, it provides opinions and suggestions to the Board of Directors,

b) About member companies whose production, promotion, behavior does not comply with professional understanding,

c) About members who do not comply with the honor, requirements, obligations, and responsibilities of membership,

d) About member organizations and individuals who do not comply with the Business Ethics Principles stated in our Bylaws, it conducts necessary investigations and inquiries depending on the nature and severity of the incident, gathers material evidence if any, takes the views of the member organization and individual subject to complaint, and examines any material evidence if available. At the end of the investigation, it informs the Board of Directors in writing of its conclusion. The penalties to be imposed on members by the decision of the Board of Directors based on the recommendation of the Honor Committee are as follows:

  • Written warning and reprimand,
  • Termination of membership indefinitely (Deletion of the member’s registration from the association)

Assessment of Penalties:
The Honor Committee has the discretion to select one of the above-mentioned penalties, considering the content of the incidents transferred to it, the situation of the parties, and especially the importance of the effect of the incident on the harmony and order of the association, by observing the principles of law, justice, and objective criteria.
Working Method:
The Honor Committee reviews the topics sent by the Board of Directors. If the Board of Directors finds out about the behaviors and actions specified in Article 9 and this article of the statute about a member upon complaint or receipt of information, it informs the Honor Committee within fifteen days in order to conduct an investigation ex officio. The Honor Committee sends written notification to the member/organizations complained of to make their defense. If the member does not appear for defense on the specified date stated in the notification or does not submit a written defense to the committee within the given period, a decision is made based on the status of the file and the evidence collected. However, if the member fails to comply with the notified date or period, he/she is given a new date and period if he/she submits a valid and documented excuse, and if it is accepted. The Honor Committee listens to the officials of the complained person/organization in committee meeting, takes their defenses, listens to witnesses if any, and may also receive opinions from expert institutions and organizations regarding the subject. No document related to the investigation can be taken out of the association without the knowledge and approval of the Chairman of the Honor Committee. Every stage of the Honor Committee’s work is confidential. Investigations are concluded within a maximum of 3 (three) months and reported to the board of directors in writing. The implementation of the decisions made by the Board of Directors based on the recommendation of the Honor Committee and taking necessary measures is the authority and responsibility of the Board of Directors.

Appeal Against Dismissal Decision: The member against whom a permanent dismissal decision has been made must appeal to the Board of Directors within one month from the date of notification of the decision in order to be presented to the first General Assembly meeting and included in the agenda. The member against whom a permanent dismissal decision has been made can personally present his/her defense at the General Assembly or can have it done through a principal member authorized in writing. After the explanatory information provided by the Honor Committee and the Board of Directors, the decision taken by the General Assembly through a secret ballot on this matter is final.

Article 19.3: The election of members of the Promotion and Marketing Committee consists of three principal and two alternate members elected by secret ballot from among the members excluding the members of the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee for a period of 2 years, with the highest number of votes, and in case of equality of votes, drawing lots is resorted to.

Additionally, individuals from outside the association who are specialized in their field may be appointed to these committees with the approval of the Board of Directors.

The Promotion and Marketing Committee, at its first meeting, elects a Chairman among themselves and divides the duties. The membership of the Promotion and Marketing Committee ends for those who fail to attend four ordinary meetings or two consecutive ordinary meetings without a worthy excuse, and they are deemed to have resigned.

Article 19.4: The duties and powers of the Promotion and Marketing Committee are specified below:

a) To obtain the views and instructions of the Board of Directors in advance regarding all activities and visits organized,

b) To follow and evaluate activities such as fairs, exhibitions, congresses, etc.,

c) To fulfill the tasks assigned by the Board of Directors,

d) To periodically report to the Board of Directors about its activities.

Article 19.5: The election of members of the Technical Committee consists of three principal and two alternate members elected by secret ballot from among the members excluding the members of the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee for a period of 2 years, with the highest number of votes, and in case of equality of votes, drawing lots is resorted to.

Additionally, individuals from outside the association who are specialized in their field may be appointed to these committees with the approval of the Board of Directors.

The Technical Committee, at its first meeting, elects a Chairman among themselves and divides the duties. The membership of the Technical Committee ends for those who fail to attend four ordinary meetings or two consecutive ordinary meetings without a worthy excuse, and they are deemed to have resigned.

Article 19.6: The duties and powers of the Technical Committee are specified below:

a) To obtain the views and instructions of the Board of Directors in advance regarding all activities and visits organized,

b) To examine and evaluate specifications and regulations related to our members in the natural gas sector, to prepare preliminary work for proposals to be submitted to authorized organizations, and to prepare all necessary proposals for resolving problems and obtain the approval of the Board of Directors for applications, and

c) To fulfill the tasks assigned by the Board of Directors,

d) To periodically report to the Board of Directors about its activities.

Article 20:
The Audit Committee, the authorized auditing body of the association, consists of three principal and three alternate persons to be elected among its members by the General Assembly. The three candidates who receive the most votes are elected as principal members, and the next three candidates are elected as alternate members. In case of equality of votes, drawing lots is resorted to. At its first meeting, the committee elects a Chairman and a Reporter from among themselves, convenes as ordinary meetings within intervals not exceeding one year, and convenes as extraordinary meetings whenever necessary, and takes decisions with a simple majority.

The duties and powers of the Audit Committee are shown below:

a) To examine the accounts, books, and documents related to the budget and financial transactions of the association at intervals not exceeding one year and to report its findings and recommendations to the “Board of Directors” and also to the General Assembly with a report,

b) To attend the meeting where the working program and budget for the upcoming working period prepared by the Board of Directors will be discussed and state its opinions and recommendations,

c) To submit a report to the General Assembly with the results of its examination regarding the financial report, balance sheet, and income statement prepared by the Board of Directors,

d) To examine and report whether the duties of the Board of Directors regarding the transfer and handover procedures are carried out in accordance with the decisions taken by the General Assembly, and whether the affairs of the association are conducted in accordance with the legal regulations,

e) To attend meetings of the Board of Directors as observers,

f) To request the convening of an extraordinary General Assembly if necessary,

Article 21:
The working period starts on January 1 and ends on December 31 of the next year. In the budget implementation covering the working period, it is mandatory that the expenses be realistic and equal to the revenues, that payment obligations do not exceed the budget and do not pass to the next years, that no transactions are made outside the sections and items in the revenue and expense schedules, and that transfers between sections are made by the decision of the Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Unless otherwise decided by the General Assembly and until each “Working Period Budget Regulation” is established, the powers and amounts of expenditure of the President and the Board of Directors, the manner of collecting revenues, the amount of money to be kept in the cash register, and the authority of transferring the budget are determined by the decisions of the Board of Directors.

Article 22:
The incomes of the association are as follows:

a) Entrance Fee: The fee collected at the time of application for membership is the entrance fee.

b) Annual Fee: The annual membership fee collected from members in each working period.

c) Determination of Fees: Entrance and annual fees are determined and announced to the members by the board of directors every year. The tracking, collection, and accounting of dues are also carried out by the board of directors.

d) Revenues to be obtained from lotteries, balls, entertainments, representations, concerts, sports competitions, and conferences organized or arranged by the association,

e) Donations and aids that are not contrary to the relevant articles of the Association Law and bequests,

f) Other donations and aids to be collected in accordance with the legislation on fundraising,

g) Revenues obtained from the assets of the association,

h) Other revenues not contrary to the legislation regarding associations.

Article 23:
The expenses of the association shall be shown in sections and items in the expense schedule of the budget period, taking into account its administrative activities and services.

Article 24:
The income, with pre-determined amounts as described in the preceding paragraphs, shall be determined as definite amounts in the budget period, and other incomes shall be determined as estimated values, and shall be put into effect after the approval of the General Assembly.

Except for the dues and other payments foreseen in the budget period budgets, no request for money or assistance shall be made from the association members.

The expenses shown in sections and items in the expense schedule of the budget period shall be incurred by connecting to an invoice, receipt, or expenditure certificate and with the approval of the President or the Board of Directors according to the spending authority.

Association revenues shall be collected with a “Receipt.” In case of collection of association revenues through banks, documents such as a bank statement or account statement issued by the bank shall serve as the receipt.

Association expenses shall be made with expenditure documents such as invoices, retail sales slips, or freelance service receipts. However, for payments covered by Article 94 of the Income Tax Law, a voucher shall be issued according to the provisions of the Tax Procedure Law, and for payments not covered by this, an “Expense Receipt” shall be issued.

The “Receipts” to be used in the collection of association revenues shall be printed by decision of the board of directors and delivered to the printing house. The printing and control of the receipts, their receipt from the printing house, entry into the register, transfer between old and new treasurers, and the use of these receipts and the delivery of the collected revenues by the person or persons who will collect the revenues on behalf of the association shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Regulation on Associations.

The person or persons authorized to collect income on behalf of the association shall be determined by the decision of the board of directors, specifying the term of authority, and shall be notified to the relevant institution.

Board members may collect income without an authorization certificate. The duration of authorization certificates shall be determined by the board of directors for a maximum of one year. Authorization certificates whose duration has expired shall be renewed in accordance with the first paragraph.

Except for the books, the receipts used by the association, expenditure documents, and other documents shall be kept for a period of five years in accordance with the order and date sequence in the registers where they are recorded, subject to the longer periods specified in special laws.

Association Borrowing Methods:
If necessary to achieve the purpose of the association and to carry out its activities, borrowing may be made by a general assembly decision. This borrowing can be in the form of credit purchase of goods and services as well as cash. However, this borrowing cannot be made in amounts that cannot be covered by the association’s sources of income and that would cause financial difficulties for the association. The storage period of these documents is five years, except for the longer periods specified in special laws.

Article 25:
Internal audit is essential in the association. Internal audit can be conducted by the General Assembly, the Board of Directors, or the Audit Committee, and independent audit firms can also be commissioned for audit. The fact that audits are conducted by the General Assembly, the Board of Directors, or independent audit firms does not relieve the Audit Committee of its obligations.

The Audit Committee audits whether the association operates in accordance with the purpose stated in its bylaws and the work areas specified for the realization of the purpose, whether the books, accounts, and records are kept in accordance with the legislation and the federation bylaws, and whether they are audited in accordance with the principles and procedures stipulated in the bylaws, and presents the audit results to the Board of Directors in the form of a report and to the General Assembly when convened.

Upon request of the Audit Committee members, it is mandatory to provide all kinds of information, documents, and records by the association officials, and their entry into the premises, institutions, and attachments must be allowed.

Article 26:
Amendment of the bylaws can be made by a decision of the General Assembly.

In order for an amendment to the bylaws to be made at the General Assembly, a majority of 2/3 of the members entitled to attend and vote at the General Assembly is required. If the majority cannot be achieved, there is no need for a majority in the second meeting if the meeting is adjourned. However, the number of members attending this meeting cannot be less than twice the number of members of the board of directors and the audit committee.

The decision majority required for the amendment of the bylaws is 2/3 of the votes of the members entitled to attend and vote at the meeting. Voting for the amendment of the bylaws at the General Assembly shall be done openly.

Article 27:
The General Assembly may decide to dissolve the association at any time. In order for the dissolution subject to be discussed at the General Assembly, a majority of 2/3 of the members entitled to attend and vote at the General Assembly is required. If the majority cannot be achieved, there is no need for a majority in the second meeting if the meeting is adjourned. However, the number of members attending this meeting cannot be less than twice the number of members of the board of directors and the audit committee.

The decision majority required for dissolution is 2/3 of the votes of the members entitled to attend and vote at the meeting. Voting for the dissolution decision at the General Assembly shall be done openly.

Liquidation Procedures;

When a decision to dissolve is made by the General Assembly, the liquidation of the association’s money, assets, and rights shall be carried out by a liquidation committee consisting of the last members of the board of directors. These procedures shall commence from the date the General Assembly decision on dissolution is made or from the date the dissolution occurs automatically. Within the liquidation period, all transactions shall bear the notation “In Liquidation” for the “Natural Gas Appliances Manufacturers and Businessmen Association”.

The liquidation committee is responsible and authorized to complete the liquidation transactions of the association’s money, assets, and rights from start to finish in accordance with the legislation. During the examination, the association’s books, receipts, expenditure documents, land registry, and bank records, as well as other documents, shall be identified, and the assets and liabilities shall be recorded in a report.

During the liquidation procedures, the association’s creditors shall be called, and if any, the assets shall be liquidated and paid to the creditors. If the association is a creditor, the receivables shall be collected. After the collection of receivables and payment of debts, all remaining money, assets, and rights shall be transferred to the place determined by the General Assembly. If the place to be transferred is not determined in the General Assembly, it shall be transferred to the association with the highest number of members in the province where the association is located, and closest to its purpose, as of the date of dissolution.

All transactions related to the liquidation shall be shown in a liquidation report, and the liquidation procedures shall be completed within three months, except for the additional periods granted by the administrative authorities based on a justified reason.

After the completion of the liquidation and transfer of the association’s money, assets, and rights, the liquidation committee shall notify the administrative authority of the location of the association within seven days with a letter, and the liquidation report shall be attached to this letter.

The last members of the board of directors are responsible for keeping the association’s books and documents as members of the liquidation committee. This duty may also be given to a member of the board of directors. The storage period of these books and documents is five years.

Article 28:
In the association, books shall be kept on the basis of business accounts. However, if the gross income exceeds 500,000 TL for the year 2005, from the following accounting period onwards, books shall be kept on the basis of balance sheet.

In case of transition to the balance sheet basis, if the threshold mentioned above is dropped for two consecutive accounting periods, accounting may return to the basis of business accounts starting from the following year. Without being subject to the mentioned threshold, books may be kept on the balance sheet basis by decision of the board of directors.

In case of opening a commercial enterprise by the association, a book shall be kept in accordance with the provisions of the Tax Procedure Law for this commercial enterprise.

The books and records of the association shall be kept in accordance with the rules and principles specified in the Regulation on Associations.

The following books shall be kept in the association:

a) Books to be kept on the basis of business accounts and principles to be followed are as follows:

1. Decision Book: Decisions of the board of directors shall be written in this book in order of date and number, and shall be signed by the members attending the meeting.

2. Member Registration Book: The identity information of those who become members of the association, their entry and exit dates to the association shall be entered in this book. The amounts of entrance and annual fees paid by the members may be recorded in this book.

3. Document Registration Book: Incoming and outgoing documents shall be recorded in this book with date and serial number. Originals of incoming documents and copies of outgoing documents shall be filed. Documents received or sent via electronic mail shall be kept by taking printouts.

4. Inventory Book: The acquisition date and method of the assets owned by the association, the places where they are used or given, and the removal from the records of those whose usage periods have expired shall be entered in this book.

5. Business Account Book: Incomes received and expenses made on behalf of the association shall be entered in this book clearly and systematically.

6. Receipt Registration Book: Serial and serial numbers of receipts, names, surnames, and signatures of recipients and returnees, and the dates they received and returned shall be entered in this book.

b) Books to be kept on the basis of balance sheet and principles to be followed are as follows:

The books listed in subparagraphs 1, 2, 3, and 6 of paragraph (a) shall also be kept in case of keeping books on the balance sheet basis.

Journal, Ledger, and Inventory Book: The method of keeping these books and the form of recording shall be made in accordance with the General Communiques on Accounting System Implementation published by the Ministry of Finance based on the Tax Procedure Law and the authority granted to the Ministry of Finance. Before starting to use the mandatory books in the association, they shall be certified by the provincial directorate of associations or a notary public. These books shall be used until their pages are finished, and interim certification of the books shall not be made. However, balance sheet-based books and form or continuous form books must be re-certified every year in the last month of the year in which they will be used.

Preparation of Income Statement and Balance Sheet
If records are kept on the basis of business accounts, an “Income Statement” shall be prepared at the end of each year. If records are kept on the basis of balance sheet, at the end of each year (December 31), balance sheet and income statement shall be prepared based on the General Communiques on Accounting System Implementation published by the Ministry of Finance.

Article 29:
Members act in accordance with the following ethical principles:

a. Honesty: They adhere to honorable, honest, and high ethical standards. They do not engage in any corruption, do not support or condone corruption, and do not turn a blind eye to it. They do not engage in bribery relationships for profit or gain.

b. Reliability: They do not engage in behaviors that would undermine the trust placed in them and their companies, and that would damage their reputation. They take responsibility for their products and services and do not avoid fulfilling their responsibilities. They ensure the security and confidentiality of personal information related to their employees.

c. Keeping Promises: They take care to fulfill their promises. They fulfill their obligations in a timely and complete manner.

d. Loyalty: They do not attempt to obtain any confidential information that should be kept secret and do not use it for their interests. They respect company confidentiality and do not use the private information of their former company even if they have left the company.

e. Fairness: They do not accept unjust rents, do not mediate, do not ask for mediation, and reject offers in this regard. They act in accordance with the principles of high morality and fairness.

f. Protecting the Rights of Others: In their relations with their employees, they provide honesty, fair management, equality, respect for personalities, and a safe working environment, and do not force individuals to engage in illegal transactions. They do not make any privileges regarding the rights of employees based on race, color, gender, religion, political opinion, philosophical belief, or sect.

g. Respecting Laws: Members respect the legal order of our country and the countries where they operate and comply with the laws. They do not engage in activities that are illegal or criminal. They do not resort to methods and means that business and social ethics would not approve of.

h. Citizenship Responsibility: They pay their taxes on time. They fulfill the requirements of social responsibility.

i. Pursuing the Best: They ensure that local economies are positively affected by the decisions made. They prevent the waste of national resources and the impoverishment of society. They provide resources for social services and infrastructure.

j. Being Accountable: They do not deviate from the basic principle of transparency in their proposals and contract negotiations. They prioritize the principles of transparency in agreements made with public and private enterprises and are accountable for all kinds of activities.

k. Environmental Awareness: They make every effort to preserve the environment. They work to spread environmental awareness.

l. Member Responsibility: They do not engage in unfair attitudes and behaviors towards the association in the public opinion. They cannot take actions or conduct transactions that are contrary to the association’s bylaws and would tarnish the association.

Article 30:
In case of a deficiency in the association’s bylaws, Turkish laws, regulations, and bylaws shall apply.

Article 31:
The individuals listed below with their names, professions or arts, nationality, and residential addresses are the founding members of the Association of Natural Gas Appliance Manufacturers and Businessmen.