ABOUT USThe Leading Collaboration in
The Leading Collaboration in
Heating Sector
DOSİDER (Association of the Heating Appliances Industry and Business People) was established in 1993. It aims to foster cooperation, solidarity, and mutual assistance among its members within the heating sector. DOSİDER also strives to address common issues, ensure the provision of quality services and materials to users in compliance with standards, and take necessary measures to prevent exploitation in these areas.

About Us
Our association, DOSİDER (Association of the Heating Appliances Industry and Business People), was established in 1993...
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Executive Board
The Executive Board of our association makes strategic decisions and oversees the activities of the association. Composed of experienced leaders, this...
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Statute of Association
Statute covers the official rules of our association, from its foundation to its objectives, from membership conditions to its management structure...
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Yönetim Kurulu
Sektörün Yönlendirici Gücü
Yönetim Kurulumuz, DOSİDER'in rotasını belirleyen liderlerden oluşuyor. Sektördeki deneyimleri ve karar alma yetenekleri ile doğal gazın geleceğini şekillendiriyorlar.
Vice President / VAILLANT Deputy General Manager
President / ECA / EMAR General Manager
We Apply Sector-Specific Business Ethics Principles
We Build Sustainability and Reputation Based on Our Industry Principles